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SEO Results Taking Too Long?
SEO services in Toronto -Vertex Web Surf
SEO Results Taking Too Long?

Have you been told that results take time in Search Engine Optimization? Or have you been told by companies doing SEO in Toronto that SEO is a lengthy (a year minimum)and thus costly process? Well, more often than not it doesn’t take anywhere near that long for a good SEO provider to get results.

While it is true that in some cases it may take months for a website to be ranked, it is certainly also true that results can be almost instantaneous. When we take on new clients for SEO in Vertex Web Surf Inc, we usually expect to move them significantly in less than two months.

Since all customers are different, some sites may take a little longer, and some will take less. In essence, every site will have a different timeframe in which to expect results, but an SEO provider in Toronto who tells you it will take a year, then precedes to lock you into a 12-month contract probably isn’t going to get you great results, no matter how long you give them.

So, in that case, how do you know when to expect results for your website? How do you know if a potential SEO provider is being honest and realistic, or just signing you up for a lengthy minimum contract when in truth they know they’ll never achieve great results? It just depends on a few factors.

These factors will influence how quickly your site will rank:

  • Domain Age

Quite simply, Google prefers older sites as it considers them to be more reputable.

  • Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a measure of how reputable a site is from 0-100. If you have high-quality content on multiple pages of your site, and you have many relevant high-authority sites referencing your site in their content, then this should equal a good Domain Authority.

  • Previous SEO Work

If no SEO work has ever been done on your site, then obviously it will take longer to rank your site highly than if your SEO just needs tweaking.

  • Competition

If you have strong competition with lots of SEO in place, it will take more time and resources to outrank them.
